Sierra Azul Open Space Reserve

Hike Date: 11/05/11

First time in last few months I did not have any company for hike as my friends were out of town.  Another friend of mine who was inspired by the hike we have doing decided to join me but only a day before he broke his leg in a freak accident. Anyway, I decided to hike alone to Sierra Azul Open Space Reserve near Lexington Reservoir on Route 17. The trailhead for this hike is near Alma Bridge road. Not knowing exact parking spot, I parked the car on the road near St. Joseph’s Hill Open Space Reserve and started hiking it. After quarter mile ascend I realized I was on wrong trail. I traced back my route and walked on the road till I found Priest Rock trail. The trailhead is at 725 feet elevation. You get a gorgeous view of the Lexington Reservoir. I saw few teams practicing rowing on the lake.

Initial part of the Priest Rock Trail is a modest hike turning around a mountain. I saw few black spotted brown slugs on the way. After walking 2.5 miles you come to crossing of Limekiln trail. I continued on the Priest Rock Trail. This is where the trail becomes very steep uphill. Another 1.4 miles and I came across a T-junction with Kennedy Trail at 2648 feet elevation. I met few bicyclists at the top. I had few snacks and turned right on Kennedy Trail. This part of trail goes through a very dense forest. The trail also goes up and down with 100 feet elevation levels every time it goes up and down.

Most of the South Bay Open Space Reserves have a warning signs of Mountain Lion at the entrances but I had never seen one on my previous hikes. I was strolling fast on the Kennedy Trail. In just 100 meters ahead I spotted a Mountain Lion. I was little scared initially since I was alone. I kept following slowly on the lion on the trail. But since the trail goes up and down I was loosing site of the lion. At some point the fear took over and I decided that I would go back. But after 25 meters going back I decided against it and continued back on my planned trail. By now the distance was more than hundred and fifty meters between us. But the lion must have gone inside the forest and I kept on going carefully with my arms in the jacket spread out (making myself a bigger animal).

After another 1.4 miles I came to another crossing with Woods Trail on the left and Limekiln Trail on the right. This was also the highest point of my hike at 2871 feet elevation. I started my return downhill journey on the Limekiln trail. This part of the trail goes through forest with dense tall trees. After a mile and half the left side of valley opens up and you see remote large houses on the hills. Few of the houses had nice vineyards around. At the 2.9 miles mark I came across the same cross point with Priest Rock Trail. Here I saw an equestrian on a beautiful white horse. I continued on the Limekiln trail for another 2.2 miles till the trailhead. On the way down you see  a grand view of Lexington quarry on the right. Since my car was parked at St. Josephs hill, I continued walking on the road for another 3-quarter miles. According to my NewYu I hiked 11.8 miles with 2500 feet elevation change. I would rate this as a challenging trail.



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